
From BigID Developer Portal

BigID Applications allow you to add your own business logic and UI to a BigID system. This means that you can add dashboards, synchronize BigID with an external system, or even add entire data governance applications.

BigID Applications are written in your programming language of choice as a web application. You also can use our partner Retool to create low-code BigID apps.

Introduction video to the BigID App Framework

There are two different types of BigID Apps: Utility and Interactive.

Utility Applications

Utility Applications allow you to run custom code at regular intervals or on-demand. Your custom code will be given a BigID API Token to access data from a BigID system.

Interactive Applications

Interactive Applications allow you to add additional screens to the BigID user interface. These applications get their authentication information using the BigID UI SDK.

Learn about our app developer curriculum on the AppDev Classes Page